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Expert Tree Maintenance Services

Discover the synergy of top-notch residential tree care services with Summit Tree in Burnsville, MN. Our expert team seamlessly integrates tree care solutions to safeguard the integrity and beauty of your home. From meticulous to expert tree pruning, removal, and maintenance, we offer a holistic approach to enhancing your property. Whether it’s time for tree care to maintain a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment, Summit Tree has you covered. Contact us today for a consultation and experience the excellence of our tree care services, tailored to meet the unique needs of your home.

Our Comprehensive Tree Services

Enhance the well-being and appearance of your property with Summit Tree’s comprehensive services. Our expert team delivers tailored solutions, combining top-notch tree care for a complete care package.

Tree Removal and Trimming

Safely eliminate or trim trees, ensuring a hazard-free and aesthetically pleasing landscape.

Tree Stump Removal

Say goodbye to unsightly stumps as our specialized service efficiently grinds them away, leaving your landscape pristine.

Pruning and Maintenance

Keep your trees healthy and vibrant with expert pruning and maintenance, promoting growth and longevity.

Emergency Repair Services

Swiftly address urgent tree issues, providing immediate solutions to protect your home and property.

Summit Tree and Roofing provides residential tree services in Burnsville, MN

What to Expect From Us

When you choose Summit Tree, expect a seamless and customer-focused experience. Our skilled and dedicated team is committed to delivering top-notch services tailored to your specific needs. From the initial consultation to the completion of the project, anticipate transparent communication, meticulous attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence. We pride ourselves on punctuality, ensuring that your timelines are met without compromising the quality of our work. Our knowledgeable professionals will guide you through the process, offering expert advice and solutions to address your unique requirements. With Summit Tree, expect nothing less than exceptional service that prioritizes the health and aesthetics of your trees.

Why Choose Summit Tree

When considering your tree care needs, choosing Summit Tree offers a host of compelling reasons. From our expert team’s proficiency to a customer-centric approach, here’s why Summit Tree stands out:


Benefit from the wealth of expertise our team brings to every project, combining seasoned professionals in both tree care services.

Comprehensive Services

Choose Summit Tree for a one-stop shop, providing a full spectrum of tree care services tailored to your needs.

Quality Craftsmanship

Expect nothing short of top-notch craftsmanship, ensuring the longevity and resilience of your health of your trees.

Customer-Focused Approach

Experience a customer-centric approach with transparent communication, attentive service, and a commitment to meeting your unique requirements.

Timely Execution

Count on punctual and efficient project timelines, ensuring that your tree needs are addressed promptly without compromising quality.


Elevate the protection and appeal of your home with Summit Tree’s seamlessly integrated residential tree care services in Burnsville, MN. Our commitment to excellence shines through in every aspect, from expert roof cleaning, thorough roofing repairs, and meticulous roof inspections to skilled tree pruning, removal, and maintenance. Trust us to safeguard your investment, providing tailored solutions for both residential roofing services and tree care needs. Schedule a consultation today to experience the transformative impact of our services on your property. Take the proactive step towards a secure and aesthetically pleasing home environment with Summit Tree’s unmatched residential tree care expertise.